Food Trucks have become a Canvas for Great Design

With so many food trucks in Winnipeg, it can be difficult to stand out and draw the attention of potential customers. Great food and great prices are crucial, these elements alone will not mean much if no one notices your food truck.

1. Your Branding

Your branding will significantly affect the final design of your food truck wrap.Shape and size of your logo to your company colours, every aspect of your branding should be considered for your design. This will ensure that your logo and company colours blend seamlessly into other design elements, creating a clean and appearance that leaves a positive impression on viewers.

2. Service Windows, Vents, and Other Obstructions

When we create your wrap design, it is crucial to avoid placing any important information or design elements over service windows, vents, doors, or other moving elements. Improper design can cause information to become cluttered, mixed up once your window or door is open, making it more difficult for viewers to understand text or identify contact information at a glance.

3. Your Customers

To create a positive and lasting impression on viewers, consider how they will feel when they look at your food truck wrap. The goal is to create a design that evokes feelings of curiosity, urgency, and, of course, hunger. It is also crucial to consider your target demographic when creating your design. For example, if you primarily target customers at a farmer’s market, you should create a design that emphasizes the freshness of your ingredients and how they are locally sourced.