If you’re not quite ready to fully wrap your entire fleet of vehicles , starting with Spot Graphics is a good intro to the medium.

1. Some graphics are better than no graphics! You don’t need to fully wrap every vehicle in your fleet to start building your reputation on the road. Some of your vehicles may get more visibility than others.

2. Utilize the most valuable real estate. While a full vehicle wrap is undoubtedly impressive and provides you the most ROI, some individual parts of your vehicle can make a noticeable impression. Put graphics on the back door, and/or the back third on the driver’s side. These are prime places for those with limited budgets!

4. Use “KISS” when designing on a budget.  A smaller, powerful graphic is worth more than a larger, confusing one. Keep It Simple Stupid

5. Consider cost per view—and see if it makes sense to re-allocate money from some of your other marketing efforts. A vehicle wrap is mobile and lasts for years, compared to Mailers,Billboard or Radio Ads, it truly is the ROI in your marketing kit.

6. Look at a staggered approach. We know it’s better to do fleet graphics right the first time, or it will cost you more in the long run. If you can’t afford to do everything now—develop a plan to wrap your fleet over a longer-term period.

7. Most of all? Have a candid conversation with experts!  We can help guide you towards the best ways to maximize money and visibility.

Limited budget? No problem. Let’s discuss the possibilities.

Credit to Turbo Images